17th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science (11-14, July, 2017) joint with WORKSHOP on Condensed matter research by means of neutron scattering methods (14-16 July, 2017) will be held in Constanta, Romania.

      CMRNS-Dubna is hosted by Ovidius University of Constanta, and supported by the Balkan Physical Union, the Romanian Physical Society, Romanian Academy, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research - Dubna.

      The conference program can be found in pdf format here.

International  Organizing Committee

Nicolae V. Zamfir, Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)

Boris N Savenko, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Russia

Maria Balasoiu, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Russia

Denis P Kozlenko, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Russia

Mihai Girtu, Ovidius University of Constanta

Rodica Vladoiu, Ovidius University of Constanta

Calin A. Ur, ELI–NP


Local Organizing Committee

  Viorica Popescu, Ovidius University

Florin Moscalu, Ovidius University

Marius Belc, Ovidius University

Virginia Dinca-Balan, Ovidius University

   Aurelia Mandes, Ovidius University

Corneliu Oprea, Ovidius University

         The CMRNS topics will highlight results of interdisciplinary research and development of neutron instruments and techniques at IBR-2 reactor.

               CONFERENCE TOPICS:

        1. Condensed Matter Physics

        2. Materials Science

        3. Soft Matter (biological nanosystems, lipid membranes, polymers, magnetic elastomers, ferrofluids)

        4. Life and Earth Sciences


          IMPORTANT DATES                                           DEADLINE

   Registration & Abstract  submission                    10 April, 2017

   Notification  of acceptance                                   03 May, 2017

   Conference dates  (late, on-site payment)          14-16 July , 2017

   Final  paper submission                                         18 July , 2017


              CMRNS -Dubna registration fee

        Authors                      80 EUR

        Students*                   45 EUR

        *Student authors are eligible for registration fee discounts if they can prove their student status.

       The registration fee for CMRNS -Dubna will cover the book of abstracts (in electronic format), coffee breaks, lunches, Welcome party and Banquet.  

       Presented contributions during CMRNS -Dubna 2017 may be published, subject to the regular refereeing process, following the standard procedure of the JOAM and Romanian Reports in Physics.


        Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts at the following address:, accordingly with the abstract instructions:

        Instructions for Oral and Poster Presentations

   Invited/oral Presentations
 Invited presentations cannot exceed 25 minutes including 5 minutes for Q&A.
 Presentations may be given as PowerPoint presentations.
 All presenters will be given the opportunity to check their presentations on-site, before their presentation time.  
   Poster Presentations
 A formal poster presentation will take place in a dedicated session, when the presenters will be kindly requested to stand by their posters.
 Format: one panel (useful area: width 90 cm, height 130 cm) will be available for each poster.
 Time: in order to increase the display time, poster presenters are encouraged to put their posters on display with 30 min prior the poster sesion time and to remove the posters from the panels at the end of the poster session.

        Payments should be made:

   - in Romanian lei in the following account:

Universitatea Ovidius Constanta



CIF: 4301332

Please add: Family Name, Given Name, and "taxa CMRNS2017-RON" to the comment line.


    - in Euro in the following account


IBAN:  RO28RNCB0114032053160001 /EUR


Please add: Family Name, Given Name, and "taxa CMRNS2017-euro" to the comment line.